Banned Books

Let’s Get Everyone to Read Maus

It has become increasingly evident that the Banned Books Awareness column must rise and once again light the darkness of censorship.As most readers are aware by now, the award-winning graphic novel, Maus, has been at the center of a massive censorship effort in McMinn County, Tennessee.I was contacted today...


I am still every age that I have been.

A wonderful quote by the author of the oft-challenged and banned book, “A Wrinkle in Time”. We do not lose that which we were. It is always a part of us- a part of the complex individual and a reminder of the milestones attained along life’s journey.


What is Freedom?

“For all the talk about inalienable human rights and guaranteed freedoms, the only true freedom is the freedom of thought. The moment you are able to read an entire universe of wonder and possibility opens up to you. No longer will you be confined to the dark, subjugated to...


Daily Quote

The world had another literary gem step into the pages of history. Bless and thank you, Harper Lee, for sharing your words with the world.


Daily Quote

Daily #Quote: “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today”- Malcom X. Read about the #Censored Side of #BlackHistory –
