History & Lore

Banned Books Awareness: “Index Librorum Prohibitorum”

The Angelica Library, in Rome, is a public library located next to the church of Sant’Agostino. Among its numerous shelves of original and fragile manuscripts dating back centuries exists a very important collection that the Catholic Church hid from public view since 1559- the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, or List...


Banned Books Awareness: “East of Eden”

Published in 1952, East of Eden is often heralded as his most ambitious novel and was originally addressed to Steinbeck’s sons- 6 and 4 at the time- because he wanted to describe Salinas Valley in detail for them through the complex tale of two families. Steinbeck is the author...


Banned Books Awareness: “The Hindus: An Alternative History”

Academics, writers, and lawyers have voiced strong opposition to the withdrawal of American scholar Wendy Doniger’s book, The Hindus: An Alternative History, following a settlement between the publisher Penguin, a division of Random House, and a complainant group, Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti. Under the settlement, all copies of the...



This is a fairly accurate assessment of our national consciousness and our culture’s attitude toward the events that occur beyond our own borders.



When in the blue hell am I EVER going to use “spargefaction” in a sentence? spargefaction Definitions from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License n. The act of sprinkling. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English n. The act of sprinkling. from The Century Dictionary and...


Columbus: Explorer, murderer, thief, and slavetrader

I’ve been asked before why I, being of Italian descent, don’t celebrate Columbus Day. The answer to why the very idea of this day disgusts me is very simple and explained perfectly in the masterful words of Kurt Vonnegut: “As children we were taught to memorize this year ...
