Pagan Pages


New Across the Great Divide issue

Well here we are in September already. Where has the summer gone? The days are getting gradually shorter, many people are out having picnics and fun over the Labor Day weekend festivities as the weather gets progressively milder, and students around the country prepare to head back to school....


Across the Great Divide

Written since Novemeber, 2009, Across the Great Divide is a monthly column for Pagan Pages magazine in which I explore the world of paranormal research. Join me the on the 1st of every month as I discusses tips, tools, and often controversial topics related to ghost hunting and paranormal...


Across the Great Divide: The Moon and Ghost Hunting

A little reading as you start the holiday weekend! This month’s edition of my paranormal column, Across the Great Divide is now available! The Moon has played an important role in spiritual and psychological matters for as long as there’s been recorded history, but is there really any scientific...


Across the Great Divide: Crisis Apparitions

Crisis Apparitions Have you ever seen a person or animal that was there one minute and gone the next? Then you were probably witness to a Lepke, a very unique and interesting type of spiritual manifestation. These sudden events have the appearance of a solid, living person, and may...
