World News

Banned Books Awareness: Freedom to Read Week 2013

Americans tend to arrogantly think that censorship is something that only happened in Stalinist Russia or, currently, the Middle East; America, of course, is proclaimed to be the land of the free. That stuff doesn’t happen here. Many other countries think that censorship only happens within the borders of...


Google, Inc. can kiss my ass!

Well, folks, it has been brought to my personal attention that Google, Inc. has, as a company, a philosophy that is misogynist and offended by any talk of women’s reproductive issues. Their conservative philosophy is such that they have resorted to an authoritarian level of censorship on any websites...


Banned Books Awareness: “Neonomicon”

Well here we are at the beginning of another new year- a time for fresh starts, new hopes, and the promise of endless possibilities; a time to look ahead to a brighter, smarter future. The only problem is that not everyone got the memo: This is the year 2013-...


Banned Books Awareness: “The Freedom to Read is a Global Issue”

Censors and book burners are not relegated to the borders of the United States; neither is the torch of enlightenment, as it spreads across the globe amid several recent events centered on banned books. Read on and Share the Knowledge:  


Banned Books Awareness: Apple’s Moral and Corporate Hypocrisy

Love them or hate them, Apple Inc. has received some heavy criticism in recent years for some pretty controversial issues including the alleged use of sweatshop labor, environmental destruction, and unethical business practices. It has been criticized by legal and business analysts for its hot-tempered legal policy of suing its...


Banned Books Awareness: “’Twas the Night Before Christmas”

’Twas the night before Christmas and someone stole Santa’s pipe. Yes, folks- yet another beloved tale from childhood has become the latest victim of the red pen of politically correct censorship as tradition and historical accuracy fall to ignorance and arrogance. The 18th-century poem, “A Visit from St. Nicholas”-...
