Deep Forest Paranormal Society


Wolf appears in paranormal magazine Voices to Visions

About a month or so ago I was contacted by the editor of a paranormal magazine and asked to do an interview about myself and my paranormal research group. The questions and topics covered were really enjoyable to answer and included comments from all members of the Deep Forest...


Across the Great Divide

Written since Novemeber, 2009, Across the Great Divide is a monthly column for Pagan Pages magazine in which I explore the world of paranormal research. Join me the on the 1st of every month as I discusses tips, tools, and often controversial topics related to ghost hunting and paranormal...


Across the Great Divide: Crisis Apparitions

Crisis Apparitions Have you ever seen a person or animal that was there one minute and gone the next? Then you were probably witness to a Lepke, a very unique and interesting type of spiritual manifestation. These sudden events have the appearance of a solid, living person, and may...


Across the Great Divide: Investigation Procedures (Part 5 of 5)

Investigation Procedures: Presentation and Follow-up (Part 5 of 5) If you’ve been following this series we’ve covered quite a bit of information for carrying out a successful investigation into claims of paranormal activity.  You’ve designed and organized your group, researched the case and its history, carried out the hands-on...
