Monthly Archives: July 2011

Across the Great Divide

Written since Novemeber, 2009, Across the Great Divide is a monthly column for Pagan Pages magazine in which I explore the world of paranormal research. Join me the on the 1st of every month as I discusses tips, tools, and often controversial topics related to ghost hunting and paranormal...



In honor of the 4th of July festivities, I wanted to revisit one of my poems from my poetry book, Under a Sunlit Sky. This is a quick snapshot of the carefree days of summer and includes one of my favorite profile pictures of me. Memories blow through like...


Across the Great Divide: The Moon and Ghost Hunting

A little reading as you start the holiday weekend! This month’s edition of my paranormal column, Across the Great Divide is now available! The Moon has played an important role in spiritual and psychological matters for as long as there’s been recorded history, but is there really any scientific...
