
Celebrating Freedom: Banned Books Week 2014

I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate the power of Banned Books Week than to share something wonderful and deeply touching. In the last several months leading up to this year’s Banned Books Week I have been humbled and honored to read and share comments and letters...


Lighting a Fire One Match at a Time

September marks a return to regular classes here in the United States. With the cultural focus on all things scholastic, it is also the time of year when our freedom to read is celebrated by the America Library Association’s Banned Books Week, which will be September 21-27, 2014. Libraries,...


Banned Books Awareness: “Gossip Girl”

As we approach Banned Book Week, we set our attention on the 9th most-banned book series of 2011, Gossip Girl by Cecily Von Ziegesar. The book’s description says it all: “Welcome to New York City’s Upper East Side, where my friends and I live, go to school, play, and sleep–sometimes with each...
