Banned Books Awareness: The Political Agenda of the Morality Police

Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, in summary judgment for Texas vs. Johnson, said, “If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.”

Anyone is free to publically express their opinion on whatever topic they wish to address, but by the same token others are free to offer that person a public rebuttal; that doesn’t mean that they have a right to ban those ideas from being expressed simply because they don’t like what they hear. Let’s face it, they have a right to say it, but that doesn’t mean you’re forced to listen to it. Turn the channel, walk on by, or flip the page.

There has been a growing trend that seeks to undermine the very core of the First Amendment. In schools and communities across the nation individuals, and sometimes organized groups, are exercising their rights in an effort to refuse others to do the same. It is a twisted, politically-motivated war plan that slowly eats away at the Constitution that we as a nation claim to hold so dear.

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