
Across the Great Divide: Paranormal Communication

Humans are quite egocentric when it comes to the physical world and their professed mastery of it. If they cannot hear it, see it, touch it, or understand it then it doesn’t exist or is laughed off as the illogical ramblings of the foolish. A common- and clichéd- axiom...


Ignorant Hatred Negates Your Right to Privacy

Here’s a thought- or statement open for debate: Why is it common to blot out the names of those who post idiotic, hateful, or derogatory comments online before making their disdainful words a screen-captured meme? Social media, by definition, is a public forum and if they’re going to say...


Banned Books Awareness: “Lord of the Flies”

William Golding’s debut novel follows a group of British schoolboys whose plane crashes on the shore of an uninhabited island. As well intentioned their attempt to cope with the situation and govern themselves may have been they instead regress to primal instincts and the mentality of humanity’s earliest hunter...


Google, Inc. can kiss my ass!

Well, folks, it has been brought to my personal attention that Google, Inc. has, as a company, a philosophy that is misogynist and offended by any talk of women’s reproductive issues. Their conservative philosophy is such that they have resorted to an authoritarian level of censorship on any websites...
