Banned Books Awareness: That Multi-headed Snake Called Censorship


Most people have either had the experience or been witness to the self-censorship that comes from the fear of causing offense to someone; some others may feel that over-protectiveness denies people the opportunity to decide for themselves where the moral line is when it comes to artful expression.

Most often, the freedom of expression is assumed rather than ensured; and that assumption is usually- and arrogantly- evident in the belief that popular opinion is guaranteed and the unpopular ones open to ridicule or subject to silence. This is why political pundit shows are able to push so many buttons.

Art, in its many forms, has been the subject of both national pride and heated disagreement since man first started drawing on cave walls; yet censorship is a serious threat to the longevity of artistic and self-expression. This is especially true of self-censorship because of its subjective and seemingly innocent, righteous nature.

The presence of self-censorship has grown slowly through recent years like a black storm cloud- at times just on the horizon and at times hovering overhead. Perhaps it conceals some injustice or uncomfortable truth about ourselves that we dare not speak of or face.

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