

Daily Quote

Today’s daily quote comes from Neil deGrasse Tyson. “If you want to assert a truth, first make sure it’s not just an opinion that you desperately want to be true.”


Banned Books Awareness: Ismail Kadaré

Most people think of poetry as sonnets and Shakespeare; as romance and respects. More often, poetry offers commentary on socio-political issues. That is how Ismail Kadaré found his works banned in Albania for several years. Read on and Share the Knowledge: http://bbark.deepforestproductions.com/column/2016/01/31/banned-books-awareness-ismail-kadare/


Banned Books Awareness: Borderlife

It is a new year, with new possibilities. Welcome to 2016! Unfortunately, some people didn’t get the message and are slinking back to the past rather than walking hand in hand into the future. Gader Haya (Borderlife), by Dorit Rabinyan, has received the coveted Bernstein literary prize in Israel...


The Gun debate in a nutshell

This sums up my feelings on this issue. The only thing that I will add is that the Second Amendment does not- and has never (because they had no idea it was possible ) included a right to private ownership of weapons of mass destruction. AS STATED, the amendment...


Banned Books Awareness: Crossing the Free Speech Line

Spend enough time online and you’ll discover that trolls lurk outside of fairy tales and Lower Michigan. There comes a time, though, when some of these internet trolls don’t just cross the line of appropriateness or maturity, they jump it waving a middle finger at the world. For anyone...


Banned Books Awareness: “The Working Poor”

Banned Books Week, which coincides with the new school year each autumn, is usually a time when scholars, book lovers, and legal analysts discuss how censorship impacts society and education. One would expect those in charge of our schools to hold all aspects of education- especially books- most dear....
