Banned Books Awareness: Censorship at Guantánamo Bay (Part 1)

gitmoIt’s no secret that some serious and basic human rights are suspended, deferred, and outright denied for those caged at Guantánamo Bay, the United States’ military prison where it keeps its political prisoners. These violations also include the freedom to read.

Clive Stafford Smith, the director of the charity Reprieve, which provides legal assistance to the prisoners, has released a partial list (via the Guardian) of the books prison censors have barred him from giving his clients.

An exploration of these titles in search of some rhyme, reason, or logic in the policy and its enforcement wielded many head-scratching moments of bewilderment. Despite diligent research on many of the titles, little to no precedent or reason could be found in the world outside of the prison’s walls for banning many of these:

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