Banned Books Awareness: The Censored Side of Black History

black-and-colored-drinking-water1Books, and the ideals and questions they can present, are banned for personal, ideological, political, or religious reasons. It is often said that to the victor goes the spoils; well, so, too, do the victors write the history books. When that “truth” is threatened the rhetoric and polemic monologues overpower the intellectual dialogues.
Which is why it remains important for the light to shine upon the authors who have had their work threatened by censors. Their words speak of survival during slavery; of the struggle during the 1920s and 1930s; and the search for an identity at the close of the century.
In honor of Black History Month, we look to ten books which have faced harsh criticism and attempts to remove them from the public consciousness.
It is a testament to the literature and culture of the American people that has been gifted to the world. It is also a sad commentary on that same culture when some of these same books are banned or challenged in their own country.

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