An Interesting Quote

I came across a rather interesting rant and wonder what others think of it. Obviously it speaks to a new generation, correct?

Another rant about gadgets and the digital age? No.

I was reading an article by a professor lamenting on the obvious and over-the-top use of Google by his graduate students in their search for subjects to write poems about.
In his article he uses this quote. It is a rant by Socrates, as accounted in Plato’s Phaedrus.
Socrates was, of course, voicing his disdain for the new invention of “the written word”.
It’s interesting to see the parallels in the modern day arguments concerning digital versus print.

Socrates felt that the written word would lead to a loss of knowledge because students would simply write down a collection of facts without using their memory to keep the words alive and thus gain wisdom through them.

It seems that the more things change, the reactions to them remain the same.


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