Thank You

I want to thank everyone who came out last night to see me; I also want to thank all of those who wanted to but had prior commitments. Your support means a lot to me.
Yesterday was definitely fun and a learning experience. In the morning I headed down to Detroit on the Wayne State campus for the monthly meeting of the Motown Writer’s Network but yesterday was their 4th annual Literary Meet & Greet. It was a blast. Normally the meetings go from 10 -12 but the event lasted until 2. There were some featured authors presenting as well as signing and selling their books, annual awards for Detroit Writers Galore, and some readings and poetry. It was a fun time and gave me a taste of what a book signing was like.
My own was quite intimate.. by the time I started it was sunset in the coffee shop. I had started a bit late to give some people extra time to get there. I read excerpts from my book and the reaction from the audience was positive.
It was my first ever event, so I was a tad nervous, but you gotta start somewhere, right?
I am thinking of other places to go and, as always, will post the information here on my blog. A friend of mine is going to work with me to set up something in Ann Arbor. The next one will be even better, and the one after that better still. The crowds will continue to grow and word will continue to spread.
Onward I go….


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