Belle Isle Aquarium Fundraiser

Thanks for passing this on Bruce!

Vance Patrick, the president of the Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium asks that this flier be passed on to as many people as possible in hopes of drawing as much attention to a great cause as possible. There has been a lot of hard work over the past few years to get the aquarium re-opened. The current Detroit leadership is much more receptive and helpful with this cause than the previous one (big surprise there) and have gained a lot of ground lately in their efforts. So, they have gained permission from the city to host a fundraiser event at the aquarium.

They understand that $100 per person is a lot to ask, especially in these tough economic times. However if you are unable to attend, you may know someone who would be willing to help in such a way, so please pass this on. And keep in mind that you can always visit their website and donate whatever sum, large or small to the aquarium’s efforts to re- open. At one point they even suggested that $10 a person would be great. Every little bit helps.

Thanks and I hope everyone gets out to enjoy the holiday weekend


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