Press Release; Publishing Imprint Deep Forest Productions Announces Major Changes in 2009

Release Source: Deep Forest Productions
Publishing Imprint Deep Forest Productions Announces Major Changes in 2009
STERLING HEIGHTS, MI—January 24, 2009— The start of a new year is typically a time for resolutions aimed at breaking bad
habits, setting goals for the coming months, or improving oneself in various ways. For local author, R. Wolf Baldassarro, the start of
2009 was a time for an extensive reinvention of his company and his public persona.
Deep Forest Productions was started by Raffaele Baldassarro, of Sterling Heights, to publish the weekly Grove Gazette e-zine in 1998
during the dot com boom. He began writing under his Spiritual name of Wolf LittleBear. The Grove Gazette ended its run in 2001,
and then in the spring of 2007 the company was updated with the focus of self-publishing and global distribution of his own novels,
poetry, and non-fiction titles. He also joined the Motown Writers’ Network at that time and began connecting with writers and other
creative talents throughout Metro Detroit and across the United States. In the two short years since then he has released 4 titles, 15 art
gallery prints featuring his poetry, published twice in the literary review magazine Mused, collaborated with other writers on various
projects, and has been the special guest on radio including, most recently, the Magick Taboo podcast which has a fan base of regular
listeners around the world. Starting in 2005 he also returned to his love of all things paranormal by joining a ghost hunting
organization to investigate allegedly haunted and strange places around the southeastern area of the state. After making a name for
himself and increasing public awareness of his writing talents both locally as well as around the world, the time had come to
implement changes that were necessary and inevitable.
As Deep Forest Productions grew, so too did the need for changes to reflect the massive goals of the company.
A new logo was created along with a centralized domain on the internet at to
bring all projects, functions, and public information for the company together in one easily identifiable place. A
brand new ghost hunting organization was also created under the Deep Forest banner with Paranormal Research
and Information Society of Michigan. PRISM is set to become the most professional and sought-after group in
Michigan for investigating claims of the paranormal and educating the public on parapsychological events and
The greatest change came in the form of a new public identity. Some might call him The Artist Formerly Known as Wolf LittleBear.
As Wolf’s public identity matured, so too did the need for a new name. In a merging of his legal and Spiritual names, R. Wolf
Baldassarro came to be. All these sweeping changes are reflected in the motto that has been Deep Forest Productions’ slogan since its
beginning- Where Mind, Body, and Spirit Converge.
Detroit has long been a city world-renowned for its sports, music, and film stars. Wolf feels that the time has come to show the world
that Detroit has a great literary voice as well. Wolf states that “At a time when literacy and other learning disabilities are still a
challenge in schools both public and private, the time is critical to focus attention on this serious issue. What better way than to
promote the writers of Detroit. In an age where role models are rock stars and sports figures, we need to make reading and writing fun
again. We need strong, charismatic individuals to show that reading can be cool and beneficial to life at the same time.”
Wolf has much planned for the months ahead including 2 titles scheduled for release this year and a DVD project showcasing short
films based on his poetry. R. Wolf Baldassarro’s titles include Musings from a Candlelit Chamber, A Wolf in the Shadows, The
Power of Music Therapy, and PRISM’s Ghost Hunter’s Field Guide. His books can be ordered through his website as well as and through most local booksellers by order.
Link to Publications:
R. Wolf Baldassarro is from Sterling Heights, Michigan, where he lives and operates Deep Forest Productions. When not writing
poetry, singing karaoke, or blogging on his MySpace, he leads a group of ghost hunters into the unknown.

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MEDIA CONTACT: R. Wolf Baldassarro, (586) 610-6120


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