Across the Great Divide: Spiritual Work and Paranormal Investigations (Part 3 of 3)

leight fljune Across the Great DivideEveryone dreams.  Humans and other animals require sleep, and yes, they all dream.  Our mental and physical health is dependent on how we sleep and how we dream.  A common belief is that gods speak to us through dreams.  For example, according to Islamic belief, Muhammad talked to the angel Gabriel several times through his dreams.  As a result dreams are very important to followers of Islam and a person’s dreams are highly respected and private between the individual and the divine.  Some cultures believe we are nothing more than someone else’s dream.  Some shamanic cultures even say that what we perceive as the physical world is the dream and reality exists while we sleep.  Many of the higher levels of mediation and trance-states of altered consciousness allow us to communicate with our animal spirits, spirit guides, and divine entities.

But what if we can communicate with spirits through our dreams the way we do while awake?

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