Banned Books Awareness: Revising History

Most people are familiar with the classic saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” uttered by George Santayana. He, himself, identified as an American and wrote exclusively in English, but the famous philosopher was born in Madrid and was a lifelong Spanish citizen even though he was raised and educated in the United States.

But if certain political groups get their way, such wise words as his will never be allowed to be shared again. That’s because the political landscape today is not content with merely forgetting history, but revising it and even attempting to erase it completely.

The latest political diatribe from the Tea Party of Tennessee is aimed at textbooks on American history. The Party wants any incidents involving slavery and genocide linked to the founders of the United States removed from teaching for fear that such references would tarnish the fictional image they maintain about our Founding Fathers.

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