God Damn Hackers!

So some asshole hacker decided it would be fun to attack my blog. I couldn’t log in yesterday, so this afternoon I went on with my laptop and discovered that the entire blog was corrupted. A pathetic black screen with a huge HACKED banner and cheesy hip hop music declaring “I am not afraid” greeted me and included an email saying to contact the hacker, a deflated douchebag named King Jihamed or some other similarly sounding name.

I couldn’t access the account at all, and fearing the hackers could gain access to my entire site or social networks, I uninstalled the blog and proceeded to change every password on every website and program as fast as possible.

Once it was reinstalled I received the next bitchslap- the backup file didn’t work.

I lost EVERYTHING. Every blog entry since I launched it in May 2009. Nice anniversary gift.

If I ever find this asshole I’ll arm not just Loki with the hardware in the pic above, but seriously fuck this guy up myself.

So… I will put up any articles I have saved in the meantime and move on.


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