Across the Great Divide: The Minefield between Paranormal Belief and Religion

We’ve covered how to blend spiritual work into paranormal investigations in one of the earliest series for this column; and how the psychology of perception shapes our paranormal experiences; as well as a plethora of discussions on how scientific principles and methods apply to paranormal research. Through it all, we’ve seen that the realm of parapsychology is a very unique and complex field with theories that span the entire spectrum of human experience- from philosophy and spirituality to environmental science and physics.

Recent surveys suggest that more than 67% of Americans hold some sort of belief in paranormal activity, and that number is expected to increase according to research by sociologists and other scholars. That interest is, of course, driven by entertainment on both the large and small screen from the likes of the Paranormal Activity movies and ghost hunting “reality” shows.

Statistically speaking, those who express a belief or personal experience in paranormal activity are not the odd ones out anymore…

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