It matters not which candidate you voted for, be it Trump, Clinton, Johnson, Stein, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It matters not what each of them has done, may do, nor what they may or may not have said.
Your life, meanwhile, how you live it, and how you act and treat others is solely up to you. It is the one thing that is purely your own responsibility. We cannot control what circumstances the world gives us, we can only control how it is that we respond to them. Therefore, and regardless of the outcome of this week’s events, I will continue being who and what I am. I will continue to think globally while acting locally. I will continue to stand up for the rights and freedoms of all things, especially those things and people that cannot speak up for themselves.
Throughout the last eight years the truth that the prejudices and bigoted mentality of our past is not confined to the history books has shocked us and we have watched the hate on the daily and weekend pundit shows unfold like a poorly-written reality show.
Now the same rhetoric that has slowly poisoned our public discourse threatens to do the same, if only from the other side of the street.
For the last 8 years we heard: “He’s not MY President”, all while the incredibly difficult office he held was demonized, degraded, and the person at its center dehumanized. Whatever the reason for it: his political party, his heritage, the color of his skin- the sad fact is that it had occurred at all. Our great experiment in democracy reduced to the squabbling tantrums of schoolyard disagreements. It is the 21st Century and we are better than that.
I refuse to belittle the greatest position in this or any land. A leader is only as moral as their followers. I will have respect for Mr. Trump’s position while he holds it and as a responsible and involved citizen I will watch how he treats his office and the people entrusted to his keeping. That is how democracy works. We work together when things need to be done and discuss compromise when a difference of how that work should be done arises with intelligence, facts, maturity, respect, and integrity.
Whether you supported Trump or Clinton, speaking out in evil toward evil merely serves to diminish the credibility of your message. If you abhor the hate spoken by someone it makes no sense to shout against them and think that wrong thrust upon wrong makes right. Hate begets hate; love begets love.
Be involved at home and in your communities and be mindful of how your actions impact those around you. Be aware of the events outside of your communities and how the actions of others impacts you.
If you fear the darkness around you, become the light.
– R. Wolf Baldassarro