Change begins with one

Yesterday was just another day: laid back and seemingly inconsequential. That is, until I thought about it.
I was out running errands and was dressed rather plainly in jeans, Punisher tee-shirt, and faded ball cap.
As I walked toward the building out walked a very well-dressed senior couple. I was shifting my focus to various things and they were having a conversation. Pretty normal situation, right?
As our paths began to cross, instead of each of us looking away, with our heads down, this is what happened:
She: (with a smile) Hello. How are you today?
Me: Hello. I am fine. How are you?
She: Oh, very well, thank you.
As the distance now grew wider I boomed, “Have a great day.”
She replied, “You as well.”

This… is the kind of world in which I want to live. One in which we do not look down or away from strangers. One in which we are respectful of each other. One in which the small meetings mean as much as the larger interactions.
I am likely to never see that couple again but the impact from our brief encounter will resonate.
Change begins with one.


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