It takes a dog to teach us how to be human

I told God that he made a mistake because humans live so long and dogs live so very short. Should it not have been the opposite? A dog can love and play and be content with the beauty of life; humans spend their extended time in the world only thinking of themselves.
“Would the world not be better if we all loved unconditionally and behaved as dogs do?” I said.
He replied, “I made it thus in hopes that you would see what you are capable of.”
“I think I might lie in the grass and think of the wag of a dog’s tail when I come home; of warm cuddles on a winter’s day; of the times that even when we are mad a dog wants just to be near us. You know, I think I shall live life with the attitude of a dog.”
God said,”Now you understand, my child.”
Thank you, Trinity, for showing me how to be a better human by acting more like a dog. ?


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