Various News

For those of you who may not have known, I’ve had a bad week. Thursday night I was arrested and spent a few days in county jail housed with all manner of violent criminals, including Steven Grant (who made headlines for hacking up his wife). Thankfully I was released out on bond and was able to spend the holiday with friends and family. The nightmare of that place will be with me for some time to come and I have a long and difficult legal road ahead of me.
For those of you who knew where I was and either sent their prayers or helped in any way to aid me I thank you.
On a good note, a few months ago I submitted several poems to a pagan magazine for their next issue. Today I received e-mails from the editor of the magazine Mused. 3 of the 4 were rejected but one will be printed in their next issue along with my picture and short biography!!!! I will post links and information when it becomes available.
This is so awesome. Not only do I have the satisfaction of 3 self-published books but now my work is beginning to appear in independant publications!!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. I hope 2008 will be a better year for everyone.


The Winter 2007 issue of Mused is NOW ONLINE with the poetry submission by Yours Truly!!!   Follow this link to read the magazine:



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