Family Time is Food Time

On the weekends we watch the grandchildren.
As you know, we like to eat well here and enjoy expanding our palates, and teaching the kids to do the same. As of late I have been obsessed with charcuterie boards and they love it too. Mostly because of the variety but also it is simple, small, and a great way to gather as a family for a meal.

This week’s spread

After she accompanied me to get oranges for the zest I needed, Phoenix helped me clean the barrel and mix the other ingredients for the plum and blackcurrant brandy that will age and eventually become a new batch of Klingon Bloodwine
The look on her face in that first shot: “I’m not sure about this, grandpa.”

Of course, I ended the day with a sweet tooth but wanted something different. Do not judge me but, this actually works. Vanilla bean ice cream topped with crushed red pepper. I went the extra step and added a drizzle of Sriracha.

A new week and new food adventures await…


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