
Romulan Ale

My NINTH home brewing project has been bottled! My take on Romulan Ale is a mixer that will kick you straight out of the Alpha Quadrant. My specific direction is to mix 3 ounces with 8 ounces of Ultra Zero Monster. Do not drink it straight unless you want...



My latest home brewing projects have been bottled. Midday Rum is a smooth Jamaican Amber Rum that already goes nicely with some ice and Dr. Pepper. Cheers! The latest version of my Klingon Bloodwine I call the Blood of Molor Blend. And, finally, It is the weekend and the...


Family Time is Food Time

On the weekends we watch the grandchildren.As you know, we like to eat well here and enjoy expanding our palates, and teaching the kids to do the same. As of late I have been obsessed with charcuterie boards and they love it too. Mostly because of the variety but...


Arbiter of Succession Steak

I have been planning this dinner all week after concocting the recipe.I give you the Arbiter of Succession Steak (yes, it’s a Star Trek reference): Picard goes to Q’onoS with this grilled NY Strip steak drizzled with a reduction glaze of my homebrewed Klingon Bloodwine and Earl Grey Tea-infused...


Happy Anniversary, Star Trek

Fifty years ago, today, Star Trek came across television for the first time. It is a mythos that is more about the philosophy and dialogue than it is the special effects. There are many memorable scenes and quotes, including this nugget: That said, I drink this special brew to...


Burgers and Brews just go together

Tonight was a 1″ thick barbecued burger with tomato, onion, butter head lettuce, and deli mustard/sweet heat BBQ sauce on an onion roll, cucumber and onion salad in balsamic, and (not pictured because I forgot to put it on the plate) farm fresh corn on the cob. All washed...


Banned Books Awareness: “1984”

1984, written in 1948 by George Orwell, tells the tale of a society in the year 1984 that is under constant war, and ruled by a dictatorship that uses tight surveillance and mind control to police its populace. The main character, Winston Smith, is a civil servant of the...


Star Trek Once Again Changes the World

First and foremost, Star Trek forever shaped and dominated our perceptions of what space travel would be like. Martin Cooper, the chief engineer at Motorola who invented the cell phone, was inspired by Kirk’s communicator on the Original Series. Star Trek also influenced the concept of voice recognition dialing,...
